I document families in the chaotic yet beautiful season of life they are in. It is truly an honor that you would invite me in to create heirlooms for your family for years to come.

Jayce Newborn Session

This was the sweetest little newborn lifestyle session with the Schauss family. Matt + Kyla are friends from college and we have so many great memories with them! It’s so crazy remembering back to those times in college and now seeing us all become parents and raising these little humans! These two make such a great team and are rocking it as parents!

Welcome to the world baby Jayce! You are so loved!

comments +

  1. Janet Wade says:

    You have a beautiful family!! I am Nancy Seller’s sister, Janet Wade. Your mom sends pictures to my phone and then I show them to Nancy. Hope we can meet in person sometime in the near future. Jayce is adorable.

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A fun session at the Schrock family homestead. 

a few favorites from


Homestead Family Session

GAHHH. Something about beach sessions 🤩 One of my FAVE places to shoot.


Family Session at Michigan Beach

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